Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Money, Materialism and The Muslim Mindset

Assalamualaikum wbt.
Alhamdullilah...akhirnya examku berakhir jua (untuk setakat ini). Terasa nk, tak tahu apa nak ditulis. Harini mengemas bilik dan buku2, pegi town...pastu dah tak tahu nk buat apa. Sekarang ni, tgh melayan membe yg dtg tanpa diduga..hehe (mai la slalu..kihkih). Nk borak2..dia melayan tv, aku layan la blog aku yg tak seberapa ni dulu.

Sekarang nih kat mesia..semua sibuk psl isu minyak kan. Tak perlu rasanya aku nk hurai or bg opinion..korang semua mesti dah digest isu ni. Anyway, ptg td lps balik dr town, dgr talk (online) from Brother Ziaullah Khan. Hanya boleh mendengar, belum ada perasaan nak membaca buku. Mungkin kerana dok asyik mengadap buku jer b4 ni..erm, entah la. Bila time sibuk, semua benda terasa nak buat, nak, bila dah ada masa..tak pula nk membaca. InsyaAllah, I'll try my best after this to use the time that Allah has given to me wisely.

Anyway, talk yg aku dgr td entitled: Money, Materialism and The Muslim Mindset. Tak rugi la dgr talk n klakar!
Brother Ziaullah khan started his talk by making jokes about his previous talk 'Yo Man'. Klakar la kalo korang dgr. Tp, aku tak berjaya lak nak dgr talk tuh..server down td. Anyway he then continue by saying that days are winding down and we need lots of effort to organize an event like that (ceramah). He said that some of us are pathetic because we are complaining too much for just a little amount of money we spend, pathetic to put money figure in giving islamic environment.

He said that we are just one step away for hereafter. We don't know when is this going to happen and we don't even know the timeline. He explained about the word 'dunia'. The word dunia come from danuah (sesapa terer arabic, please correct me if i'm wrong. Takut tersilap dgr), which mean low and despicable. We have wrong conception about 'dunia'. Islamically, dunia is something extra of what we have. Something that we can get rid of, but we literally cling onto it. Atnaah (correct me again), come from the same root word which mean inferior. So, the dunia that we keep running for is something that is inferior. We are running to get something that is inferior. Allah has warn us about the day of judgement. It just one step away, just close. But if we look into our life....where do we running to? hedonism i guest...(berlambak2 kat mesia)

If we have some properties, we should share with others. Don't keep it by ourself. Develop the feeling of brotherhood, sisterhood...contoh: 'buat la cam rumah sendiri, barang sendiri..' Remember that everything we do is for the sake of Allah. Give a hand to the poor and don't become struck in the material imbalance that we have.

Brother Ziaullah continue his talk then by refering to the verses in the Quran. Our Lord is free of all wants, which mean he wants nothing. Allah does not need anything from us, but we need everything from Him, and He is very full of mercy. (sorry, I can't remember further explaination and example for this. But I bet u guys can figure out by urself)

Brother Ziaullah juga ada mengulas mengenai kehidupan kita. Our lifestyle is imbalance. Starting from the school (education system) until we become an adult. This is what we usually think and the solution that we always use....
1) more money, more happiness
2) more effort in study and work lead to more happiness
3) more material, lead to better comfort, lead to more happiness
Betul kan apa yg dickpkan tu? Bila difikirkan, ini adalah reality yg berlaku kpd kita di zaman sekarang. But remember, it doesn't work like that..refer to hadith of Rasullulah s.a.w : 3 things will follow you, but 2 will return-money and properties. Only one thing will remain and stay with you in akhirat-good deeds...(from my understanding, not taken from, please refer again)
We should do good things for the sake of Allah. Nowadays, we fight among each others becoz of few dollars, we break relationship becoz of money etc. It is time for us to do good deeds and balance out our daily routine. We work hard everyday to obtain food and sustenance..exhausting ourself for that. However, we should take note and particular with shubhah (doubtful). The halal is clear, haram is clear and in between those two is not clear. If we safeguard ourself from falling into shubhah and doubtful thing, we safeguard our religion and honour. Honour is very important to muslim. The enemy knows about that fact and they try to degrade the muslim. They study us, put doubt in us..that's why we always say..;
-why should i do this..
-why i can't do this..
-should i do this...etc
The common thing that happen; 'I have to wait, I don't care, I want my daughter/son to finish their uni education, eventhough I know they have bf/gf '....
Adakah benda nih yg slalu kita dgr drpd ibubapa zaman sekarang?? agak2 kenapa yer...?
This is because they want to satisfy the requirement of community, not based on Allah and His Messenger command. This is the big problem that we have.
Parents have to start realize that they have to find a good mate for their children so that they don't fall in their journey in this world. Islam is the best answer for morality. Everything is falling apart right now....who is going to save this??? We are the one that have to be a saviour of humanity.
Erm, apa lg...tak ingat sgt. Yg pastinya lps ckp psl parents tu, brother Ziaullah buat lawak psl kereta. "people drive merc and I drive bicycle"...hehe. Dgr la talk nih kalo korang nk tahu betul2 lawak dia nih. Rasanya tu jer kot. Ooh yer..dia end talk tu dgn mengingatkan yg kita ni rely on Allah for everything in our life. We have Allah, so turn to Allah, make dua and pray. Allah will help us...insyaAllah.
okla, tu je untuk kali ni..maaf andai tersilap kata. Dgr la talk nih untuk selanjutnya, atau tak faham apa yg aku tulis kat atas tuh. Agak berterabur jugak...kelemahan diri sendiri.
Untuk rakan2 'sekampung', finally...hepi holiday! use this 2 weeks time wisely.... =)

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