Monday, February 27, 2006

ICW....apa nie??


Assalamualaikum wbt.

Nak dekat 2 bln aku tak post apa2 dlm blog nih. So, byk jugak la aktiviti yg berlaku kt galway..(kampung sementara). The big event is ICW- Islamic Cultural Week. ICW ni salah satu event yg dianjurkan oleh MYS (Muslim Youth Society) di galway. Rasanya, aktiviti yg sama jugak dianjurkan oleh persatuan di Uni lain kat Ire nih. Thn ni, tahun ke-3 ICW dijlnkan. Alhamdullilah..sambutan menggalakkan. Thn ni, aku tak involve sgt dlm penyediaan bahan2 tuk pameran (exhibition). Bagi peluang utk adik2 merasa..hehe. Kakak2 yg ada ni...retired sekejap. Thn ni byk bahan2 mengenai tamadun Islam (siap ada trip ke spain tuk ajk dan sesiapa yg, kira mantap la kann..hehe). Setiap thn ada temanya, minta maaf kerana aku tak ingat tema thn ni. Erm, kelemahan diri sendiri.

Exhibition diadakan pd waktu siang, mlmnya pulak ada talk2 yg menarik dari speaker2 yg mantap2. ICW ni berjln selama 5, byk advantage yg ada tuk kita berdakwah kpd non-muslim. Apa yg aku nk huraikan kt sini (ringkasan jerla..) adalah mengenai talk2 yg diadakan. Mmg best la...sbb you can learn new things n get to hear different opinions n perspective from different speaker.

First speaker is brother Fahad Ansari. He is a muslim, originate from Ireland. He also a law student, but i'm not sure in which uni. He talked about Terrorism and Islamic Extremist. He began his talk with all the myth about Islam, Jihad, spreading of Islam...etc.(sori, I can't remember all). What is terrorist? Terrorist is a person who take part in terrorism. What is terrorism then? Terrorism is the use of violence for political aims/to force a government to act, esp because of the fear it causes among the people. As we all know, muslim is always been associate with terrorist. Erm, muka2 kita nih mcm terrorist ker?? baik jer tgk...manis jer dgn senyuman (those that I've known la...).
Anyway, brother Fahad explained about all the myth and he talked a bit about Palestine (ni b4 pilihanraya). I won't explain more about the myth becoz I think all of us must have known about that. There's something interesting from that talk. Brother Fahad brought a newspaper (Times I think) with an article about killing between muslims family in UK. Well, this is a bit sad. I did watch that news in tv and it was all in the media. The point is...Why when there is bad thing (robbing,killing for example) in muslim community, the media (non-muslim) have to mention the religion? status agama tuh..ditekankan. Kalau agama lain...tak pulak dimentionkan agamanya; christian ker, buddha kerr...apa2 la. Erm, worth to think, I leave it to u guys...sila la fikir...Anyway, the purpose for the first talk is to tell the people about the truth and real facts of Islam.
Ohh ni is open to, non-muslim (Irish people of course)mmg dtgla every night. The different is just the number of them.

The second night, the talk is given by Syeikh Yusuf Estes. He came from Texas. The talk is about Jesus or Muhammad. He began his speech by asking how many the muslim and non-muslim audience at that time. The funny thing....dia tanya omputeh yg ada mlm tuh...."Tak takut ke duduk dgn terrorist yg ramai ni?"....hehehe.Mmg klakar soklan, dah la majoriti dlm dewan tuhh malaysian student. Tu adalah benda yg dia slalu ckp dlm talk dia rsnya. Sbb aritu dgr talk dia...mmg dia akan mulakan dgn lawak yg sama. Tp, mmg best la Syeikh nih. Dia dulu christian (priest), then become a muslim...Alhamdullilah. - untuk citer lebih lanjut..Byk talk dia...dgr la...its interesting sbb kita dok selalu dgr ceramah2 ustaz2, ustazah2. Sesekali dgr talk syeikh yusuf lak. Anyway, the main thing about the talk is the explaination about jesus n muhammad. Where did the word 'jesus' come from? of course not arabic-from english word (jessie, joshua...). Then, he explained about the word in Quran yg byk disalahertikan, pastu dia citer psl the word of 'god' dll. (contoh word yg disalahertikan: Iqra'- it should be recite, not read). Nak tahu lebih lanjut..lawatilah website di atas. Yg pastinya, dia byk citer psl jesus, bible, nabi2 dan dia juga turut menyentuh tentang muslim in our generation.Talk dia mmg sesuai la tuk non-muslim. Apapun, aku suka la syeikh yusuf nih....klakar orgnya.

Talk seterusnya oleh sister Batool Al-Toma from Islamic Foundation UK. The talk is mostly about women in Islam. She is a really good speaker. Boleh menyentuh hati! Pasal women in Islam tuh...aku rs korang semua mesti dah tahu kan...kalo tak tahu, sila la ambik tahu yer..hehe. Sister Batool citer psl dia mula2 kenal Islam. Dia dulu Irish..then kahwin dgn muslim. Nak tahu camna dia kenal Islam?? jeng3....from malaysian student!! Dia dulu kerja di RCSI (kat dublin). Dia kenal Islam melalui Dr. Wan Azizah during medball. Amazing kan??so, kalo korang nak pegi medball tuh, ingat yer...anda boleh berdakwah di mana2 sahaja. Bila aku dgr dia cerita, terasa berkobar2 semangat nak bgtau Islam kat org lain terutamanya Irish la sbb diorg byk yg tak tahu psl Islam. Pastu sister Batool ni sgt suka la kat malaysian sbb dia kata dia kenal Islam dr org, dia sgt gembira bila tgk malaysian muslim. Ya Allah, terasa ukhwah saudara sesama Islam walaupun baru jerr kenal dia.

The main point tuk semua talk di atas adalah tuk memperkenalkan Islam. To tell the truth and the real facts about Islam. Ni khususnya tuk non-muslim. Untuk muslim, u can get lots of advantages actually from the event like this. Peluang tuk berdakwah, kenal dgn org lain, borak2 psl Islam...semuanya terbuka luas. Satu lg nk ditekankan disini...HARGAILAH NIKMAT ISLAM YG ALLAH KURNIAKAN UNTUK KITA. Aku rs jeles sgt2 bila tgk Syeikh Yusuf Estes, sister Batool...diorg sgt2 sayangkan Islam, sgt2 menghargai nikmat Islam diorg. Kita yg mmg dilahirkan Islam ni?? Kadang2 terasa diri ni tidak cukup bersyukur dgn nikmat yg Allah berikan. Hidup di dunia ni dah berpuluh thn..(nk masuk 23 dahh), apa sumbangan tuk Islam? Apa sumbangan untuk agama Allah ni?? sama2 la kita bermuhasabah. Selepas muhasabah, marilah bersama2 bekerja untuk Islam. Allah akan melihat usaha kita ini walaupun sebesar zarah. Jadi, marilah bersama2 kita berjuang di jalan Allah, menegakkan agama Allah. (Terutamanya di negara kita sendiri...macam2 dah sekarang nihh..huhu).

" Hai orang-orang beriman, jika kamu menolong Agama Allah, nescaya Dia akan menolongmu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu" (47:7).

Setakat ni dulu utk kali ni.....masa untuk blajar!! hehe...
Penulisan ini tidaklah seberapa...agak berterabur jugak la sbb event ni dah, ingat2 lupa. Apapun, moga2 memberi manfaat...InsyaAllah


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