Semoga semua rakan2 disinari cahaya2 keimanan. Alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan oleh Allah utk mempelajari ilmuNya. Bantulah hambaMu yg lemah ini Ya Allah. Tour ini berlangsung di Astra Hall, UCD.
Remembering the Beloved’ is a national sirah tour organised by the Federation of Student Islamic societies (FOSIS) and the Islamic Institute for Development and Research (IIDR). The tour aims to highlight the different dimensions of the life of the Final Messenger of Allah – Muhammad s.a.w.
The Speakers:
Imam Suhaib Webb (USA)
Born and raised in the State of Oklahoma, USA. During his teens he became a Hip Hop DJ and made many records with different artists and bands. During this period of his life, he was a member of a gang and turned his back on organised religion. Suhaib William Webb accepted Islam at the age of twenty. He graduated with Honours in Education from the Central Oklahoma University and has studied Arabic and Islamic Sciences under many notable scholars. Imam Suhaib is a dynamic and inspiring speaker and is a former Lecturer at the Islamic American University (IAU) in California. He is currently studying Shariah at Al-Azhar University (Egypt) and is the author of the best selling audio CD album ‘Mothers of the Believers’.
Abdur Rahman Helbawy (UK)
Member of the IIDR Board of Directors. Preliminary study of Islam and Islamic Sciences was with his father Dr Kamal el-Helbawy (Founder President of the Muslim Association of Britain) and later with other notable scholars. He graduated with a BA in Islamic Studies from the European Institute of Islamic Sciences (France) and a MA in Islamic Studies (University of London). He has extensive experience in organising educational courses for the youth and lecturing on Islam. Abdur Rahman is also Director of Dome Tours International.
Bara al-Ghannouchi (UK)
Co-founding director of IIDR. Graduated with a BA (Hons) in Arabic & Law (University of London). Preliminary study of Islam and Islamic Sciences was with his father Shaykh Rashid al-Ghannouchi (Islamic Thinker and President of the Nahda Movement) and later with other notable scholars. Bara al-Ghannouchi has extensive experience with scouts and student movements in the UK and is currently studying Islamic Sciences with scholars of Al-Azhar University (Egypt).
S.M.Hasan al-Banna (UK)
Co-founding director of IIDR. Graduated with a BA (Hons) in Arabic & Law (University of London) and completed the Bar Vocational Course (BVC). Preliminary study of Islam and Islamic Sciences was with his father Maulana Abdul Qadir (Former President of Dawatul Islam UK & Eire) and later with other notable scholars. He studied Arabic Language and Literature at the European Institute of Islamic Sciences (France) and the University of Alexandria (Egypt). He is currently pursuing his postgraduate studies at Al-Azhar University in Islamic Jurisprudence. Hasan al-Banna has translated several classical and contemporary works and is the author of the bestselling book ‘Sirah of the Final Prophet’
The program start with Quran recitation by Syeikh Muhammad Nabil from Egypt. MasyaAllah, he memorize The Quran when he is eleven.
First speaker is Abdur Rahman Helbawy. He talked about Remembering The Prophet, as the prophet's name is always come after we mention Allah's name (eg: shahadah)
The second speaker is Bara Al-Ghannouchi. He talked about Loving The Beloved. How much do we know about Rasullulah and sahabah? Kita marah apabila org menghina Nabi (karikatur denmark), tp cuba refleks diri masing2...setakat mana kita kenal Rasullulah, setakat mana kita mengamalkan sunnah2nya. Do we love him in the right way?
Rasullulah sayangkan umatnya sehingga ke nafasnya yg terakhir..umati, umati, umati. Siapa umatnya itu? kita la kan....terharu tak dgn kasih Rasullulah terhadap kita. Sayangnya engkau pada kami wahai Rasullulah.
Four practical things that we can do to show our love to Rasullulah s.a.w:
1) selalulah berselawat padanya- sentiasa mengamalkannya, jdkan ia routine harian kita. seorang sahabat bertanya pada nabi : "Siapakah orang yang kedekut? nabi menjawab : "Org yang kedekut ialah orang tidak berselawat kepada ku apabila namaku disebut."
2) study the sirah- This is our priority. How can you love someone if you don't know about the person. If you can spend your time reading your favourite books, then you should be able to spend your time to study the sirah. Belajarlah mengenai baginda, lihatlah betapa susahnya baginda berkorban untuk menyampaikan islam kpd kita. Andai tiada Rasullulah, siapalah kita..
3) visit madinah, the city, mosque, maqam baginda etc. InsyaAllah, pray to Allah so that we will be there one day.
4) to live with the sunnah- Amalkan sunnah yg Rasullulah tinggalkan kpd kita. Semua sunnahnya membawa kebaikan kpd kita. Jgnlah mengagungkan barat...Kita ada Rasullulah s.a.w. yg tercinta utk disanjungi.
The next talk is from Syeikh Hasan Al-Banna. He talked about The Spirit Of The Sunnah. Our action must be approved by Al-Quran and sunnah. The sunnah is applicable to all and Rasullullah is sent as an example to all mankind. He guides us in every aspects of our life to death. The sunnah provides dimension and balancing our life.
The main talk is from Imam Suhaib Webb from USA. Such a funny and interesting man. " I'm wearing baju melayu and eating nasi lemak"-some of malay word that come out from him. He married with a malay women, so fasih jugak la melayu dia. He talked about The Prophetic Legacy. Legacy -things passed to sb by predecessors or from earlier events. (oxford advanced learners dic). What type of legacy we want to leave when we die? even Nabi Musa ingin berada di tempat kita. Lihat betapa istimewanya kita sebagai umat nabi muhammad? oleh itu, kita punya tanggungjawab yang berat sebelum kita semua bertemu Illahi.
Rasullullah s.a.w telah meninggalkan byk impact yg meliputi aspect community, family, friends and enemy. Kita sebagai umatnya haruslah mengikuti jejak langkah yg ditinggalkan. Kembalikan islam yg sebenarnya, show the beauty of islam. Always do good things to everyone-community, family, friends and even enemy. Remember that Allah going to ask all those things when we met Him in hereafter.
Imam Suhaib menyeru kita supaya memahami objektif islam iaitu:
-Bring benefits to others and prevent harm. It is our duty to spread islam and make sure people understand islam.
-Realize ways of doing good. Do good things, bring good to others
Imam Suhaib asks all of us to make a list of our talents. Identify the talent, make du'a to Allah and pray so that the talent that we have can be use and contribute to the prophetic legacy.
Ya Allah, tambahkanlah kesabaran dlm hati2 ini, berikanlah cahaya kefahaman kpd kami.
Ya Allah, berilah pertolonganMu kpd hambamu ini agar dapat selalu mengingatiMu, mensyukuri nikmatMu dan beribadah kepadaMu.
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