Alhamdulillah, everyone pass the medicine mcq yesterday. Gamble..get through the exam without adequate preparation..huhu...tak insaf2. Anyway, I called my mom this evening. The second time for this week. When I've just arrived in Ireland, I thought that calling home every week is impossible. But guest what, each year the frequency for me to call my mom is increasing. And this year...2 or 3 times per week! (mak pon pelik...apsal la anak dia yg sorang ni rajin sgt tepon..hehe). Well, not exactly every week..but sometimes it did happen especially during the exam week.
I don't know about you guys, but its normal for me to call my mom whenever I feel like talking to her. Although sometimes I don't really have any story to tell, but to hear her voice and have a chat for about 5 or 10 mins is good enough and it makes me happy. This evening, my mom is the one who do all the talking. I just listen and smile =). Start with my youngest nephew...until the eldest..each one with their own kerenah. Anak saudara berumur setahun yg masih practise nak jalan, anak saudara yg byk bercerita, anak saudara yg minta handset (mengalahkan maksunya..), anak saudara kena chickenpox (kesian dia..tak gi sekolah) dan mcm2 lagi. (Abah dah tido..so, ckp ngan mak je arini). Bila dgr mak bercerita, gembira sgt sbb dgr suaranya yg bersemangat. Well, we do know our own mom. Although we can't really see her face, we know whether she is in good condition or not by hearing the voice. Am I right? Appreciate our loves one with all of our heart. Show our love to them when we still have the chance to do that. It doesn't matter how you show it. Teringat satu hadis mengenai anak perempuan (if i'm not mistaken. Please correct me if i'm wrong). Anak-anak perempuan adalah dinding kepada neraka buat ibu bapanya. Mereka menjadi perisai kepada percikan api neraka, jika mereka dididik menjadi seorang mukmin yg cemerlang dan solehah. Maka, jagalah akhlak, jadilah anak yg solehah...agar dapat menjadi dinding untuk ibu dan ayah kita. InsyaAllah.
I don't know about you guys, but its normal for me to call my mom whenever I feel like talking to her. Although sometimes I don't really have any story to tell, but to hear her voice and have a chat for about 5 or 10 mins is good enough and it makes me happy. This evening, my mom is the one who do all the talking. I just listen and smile =). Start with my youngest nephew...until the eldest..each one with their own kerenah. Anak saudara berumur setahun yg masih practise nak jalan, anak saudara yg byk bercerita, anak saudara yg minta handset (mengalahkan maksunya..), anak saudara kena chickenpox (kesian dia..tak gi sekolah) dan mcm2 lagi. (Abah dah tido..so, ckp ngan mak je arini). Bila dgr mak bercerita, gembira sgt sbb dgr suaranya yg bersemangat. Well, we do know our own mom. Although we can't really see her face, we know whether she is in good condition or not by hearing the voice. Am I right? Appreciate our loves one with all of our heart. Show our love to them when we still have the chance to do that. It doesn't matter how you show it. Teringat satu hadis mengenai anak perempuan (if i'm not mistaken. Please correct me if i'm wrong). Anak-anak perempuan adalah dinding kepada neraka buat ibu bapanya. Mereka menjadi perisai kepada percikan api neraka, jika mereka dididik menjadi seorang mukmin yg cemerlang dan solehah. Maka, jagalah akhlak, jadilah anak yg solehah...agar dapat menjadi dinding untuk ibu dan ayah kita. InsyaAllah.
Tak sabar nak balik!..50 hari lg lebih kurang..huhu
1 comment:
36 hari lagi utk saye..hehe..rindu kat mak!!
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