Yeay, arini day off! Semalam last day aku buat paediatrics dan dah selesai assessment dengan Prof. Loftus n Dr. Geoghegan. Alhamdulillah, everything goes well. Prof cakap he can see that I did put lots of effort on the case commentaries and he is satisfied with it. Excellent! (tapi hakikat sebenarnya, last minutes kerja..huhu. Aku main taip jer discussion tuh...ish3, bila nak berubah nih? ;) Anyway, syukur Alhamdulillah...)
Pastu, prof ada gak komen pasal aku. Dia cakap: " You' re a bit SHY". Erm, agaknya dia nampak kot aku ni kadang2 cam reluctant nak menjawab soalan time tutorial etc. Erm, dah lama gak sedar tentang nih..huhu. Is it my personality or what?? Bak kata Sani: " It is your personality, but when it comes to things that you have to do....the personality does not come into account, just do it". Dr. Geoghegan lak cakap: " Just shout out the answer, it doesn't matter right or wrong, you'll learn from it". Yup, I do agree with all that. Insya Allah, pasni aku akan overcome benda nih. BERUSAHALAH! yeah
Pastu, prof ada gak komen pasal aku. Dia cakap: " You' re a bit SHY". Erm, agaknya dia nampak kot aku ni kadang2 cam reluctant nak menjawab soalan time tutorial etc. Erm, dah lama gak sedar tentang nih..huhu. Is it my personality or what?? Bak kata Sani: " It is your personality, but when it comes to things that you have to do....the personality does not come into account, just do it". Dr. Geoghegan lak cakap: " Just shout out the answer, it doesn't matter right or wrong, you'll learn from it". Yup, I do agree with all that. Insya Allah, pasni aku akan overcome benda nih. BERUSAHALAH! yeah
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