Although the ritual may make the anxiety go away temporarily, the person must perform the ritual again when the obsessive thoughts return. This OCD cycle can progress to the point of taking up hours of the person's day and significantly interfering with normal activities. People with OCD may be aware that their obsessions and compulsions are senseless or unrealistic, but they cannot stop themselves.
What Are the Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
The symptoms of OCD, which are the obsessions and compulsions, may vary. Common obsessions include:
- Fear of dirt or contamination by germs.
- Fear of causing harm to another.
- Fear of making a mistake.
- Fear of being embarrassed or behaving in a socially unacceptable manner.
- Fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts.
- Need for order, symmetry or exactness.
- Excessive doubt and the need for constant reassurance.
Common compulsions include:
- Repeatedly bathing, showering or washing hands.
- Refusing to shake hands or touch doorknobs.
- Repeatedly checking things, such as locks or stoves.
- Constant counting, mentally or aloud, while performing routine tasks.
- Constantly arranging things in a certain way.
- Eating foods in a specific order.
- Being stuck on words, images or thoughts, usually disturbing, that won't go away and can interfere with sleep.
- Repeating specific words, phrases or prayers.
- Needing to perform tasks a certain number of times.
- Collecting or hoarding items with no apparent value.

To be diagnosed with Obsessive-compulsive disorder, one must have either obsessions or compulsions alone, or obsessions and compulsions, according to the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria...
** So, sila la bukak balik buku Psych utk check criteria tuh..kekeke. Ye, aku ada OCD sket...tapi arranging things in certain way je.....takdela constant..kan kan..heheh. Susun cheese tu...seriusly unintentionally, luar kawalan tuhh... =)
mengapa mahu bangkitkan isu psych semula?
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