World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31. The Member States of the World Health Organization created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and the preventable death and disease it causes.
2005: health professionals against tobacco
2004: tobacco and poverty, a vicious circle
2003: tobacco free film, tobacco free fashion
2002: tobacco free sports
2001: tobacco-hand smoke kills
2000: tobacco kills, don't be duped
1999: Leave the pack behind
1998: Growing up without tobacco
1997: United for a tobacco free world
1996: Sport and art without tobacco: play it tobacco free
1995: Tobacco costs more than you think
1994: Media and tobacco: get the message across
1993: Health services: our windos to a tobacco free world
1992: Tobacco free workplaces: safer and healthier
1991: Public places and transport: better be tobacco free
1990: Childhood and youth without tobacco: growing up without tobacco
Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. It is currently responsible for the death of one in ten adults worldwide (about 5 million deaths each year). If current smoking patterns continue, it will cause some 10 million deaths each year by 2020. Half the people that smoke today -that is about 650 million people- will eventually be killed by tobacco.
Tobacco consumption in recent years has been rising in developing countries including Malaysia. The prevalence of smoking among Malaysian adults aged 15 years and above had increased from 21% in 1985 to 31% in 2000. Some 49% of all adult males and 5% of all adult females are now current smokers. Due largely to population increase, the number of smokers will continue to rise. Today there are about 5 million smokers in Malaysia, each consuming an average of 14 cigarettes per day. Of these smokers aged 15 years and above 90% are male. Half of these smokers alive today will eventually be killed by tobacco, and the number of annual deaths attributable to smoking will be triple over the next three decade from 10,000 in 1998 to 30,000 by the year 2030.
Most people do not realise that there are approximately 4,000 other chemicals in cigarettes which cause damage including:
-Nail polish remover (acetone)
-Floor cleaner (ammonia)
-Ant poison (arsenic)
-Tanning lotion (methylamine)
-Aviation fuel (methanal)
-Carbon Monoxide (Highly Toxic)
-Polonium-210 (known human carcinogen)
-Cadmium (known human carcinogen)
There are many reasons, any one of which sufficient to rule smoking prohibited. Most importantly, it is harmful in numerous ways. It is harmful to the Deen, health, environment, family, brotherhood and social relations, property, etc.
Smoking spoils a person's acts of worship and reduces their rewards. For instance, it spoils the prayer, which is the pillar of Deen. Allah's Messenger said:
Whoever eats garlic or onion, let him avoid us and our masjid, and stay in his home. The angels are surely hurt by things that hurt the human beings (Bukhari and Muslim)
Those with clean and undefiled fitrah (nature) have no doubt that the smell emanating from the mouth of a smoker is worse and more foul than that from the mouth of one who ate garlic or onion. Thus, a smoker is in between two options, either to harm the praying people and the angels with his foul smell, or miss the prayer in jama'ah.
No one can deny the harm of smoking to the human body. The relative risk for lung cancer is 20X!! Smoking contains poisonous materials that the smoker swallows in small proportions. Their harm accumulates with time to result in a gradual killing of the human organs and tissues.
The hazards of smoking to the health are hard to enumerate. Cancer, tuberculosis, heart attacks, asthma, coughing, premature birth, infertility, infections in the digestive system, high blood pressure, nervousness, mouth and teeth diseases, etc are among the many health hazards that have been strongly linked to smoking. These diseases may not appear all at once, however a smoker is most likely to suffer from some of them, and his suffering increases as he grows older.
This is sufficient to prohibit smoking. Islam prohibits any action that causes harm to oneself or to other people. Allah swt says:
Do not kill yourselves, Allah is indeed merciful to you (An-Nisa : 29)
Do not cast yourselves, with your own hands, into destruction (Al-Baqarah : 195)
The Messenger says:
Whoever consumes poison, killing himself with it, then he will he consuming his poison in the hellfire, and he will abide in it permanently and eternally.(Bukhari and Muslim)
No harm may be inflicted on oneself or others (Recorded by Ahmad and Ibn Maajah from Ibn `Abbaas and `Ubaadah)
*So, after knowing all that, why can't World No Tobacco Day being practised everyday?? kenapa no tobacco day just on 31st may....?
*Tobacco and smoking does not have any benefit. It just bring harm into our life...in dunia and akhirat...isn't it??
*If you know all the facts, scientifically and islamically...why don't you stop smoking? I've seen many doctors who smoked (well, medical students too..actually). They knew about the diseases but smoking is still their hobby!
*World No Tobacco Day 2005 focus on the role of health professionals on tobacco control. They play a prominent role in this issue. UCHG is a non-smoking hospital. However, the policies just apply inside the hospital..once you are outside the building, the policies does not count. Why do i say like that? Well, you can see the patients from the wards going outside just to smoke! (korang pon nampak kann...ke aku jerr)
*i'm supposed to study spm for the oral...tp, layan blog pulak. Well, smoking is one of the topic in spm...so, kira study jugak la kan nih...hehe..=)2005: health professionals against tobacco
2004: tobacco and poverty, a vicious circle
2003: tobacco free film, tobacco free fashion
2002: tobacco free sports
2001: tobacco-hand smoke kills
2000: tobacco kills, don't be duped
1999: Leave the pack behind
1998: Growing up without tobacco
1997: United for a tobacco free world
1996: Sport and art without tobacco: play it tobacco free
1995: Tobacco costs more than you think
1994: Media and tobacco: get the message across
1993: Health services: our windos to a tobacco free world
1992: Tobacco free workplaces: safer and healthier
1991: Public places and transport: better be tobacco free
1990: Childhood and youth without tobacco: growing up without tobacco
Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. It is currently responsible for the death of one in ten adults worldwide (about 5 million deaths each year). If current smoking patterns continue, it will cause some 10 million deaths each year by 2020. Half the people that smoke today -that is about 650 million people- will eventually be killed by tobacco.
Tobacco consumption in recent years has been rising in developing countries including Malaysia. The prevalence of smoking among Malaysian adults aged 15 years and above had increased from 21% in 1985 to 31% in 2000. Some 49% of all adult males and 5% of all adult females are now current smokers. Due largely to population increase, the number of smokers will continue to rise. Today there are about 5 million smokers in Malaysia, each consuming an average of 14 cigarettes per day. Of these smokers aged 15 years and above 90% are male. Half of these smokers alive today will eventually be killed by tobacco, and the number of annual deaths attributable to smoking will be triple over the next three decade from 10,000 in 1998 to 30,000 by the year 2030.
Most people do not realise that there are approximately 4,000 other chemicals in cigarettes which cause damage including:
-Nail polish remover (acetone)
-Floor cleaner (ammonia)
-Ant poison (arsenic)
-Tanning lotion (methylamine)
-Aviation fuel (methanal)
-Carbon Monoxide (Highly Toxic)
-Polonium-210 (known human carcinogen)
-Cadmium (known human carcinogen)
There are many reasons, any one of which sufficient to rule smoking prohibited. Most importantly, it is harmful in numerous ways. It is harmful to the Deen, health, environment, family, brotherhood and social relations, property, etc.
Smoking spoils a person's acts of worship and reduces their rewards. For instance, it spoils the prayer, which is the pillar of Deen. Allah's Messenger said:
Whoever eats garlic or onion, let him avoid us and our masjid, and stay in his home. The angels are surely hurt by things that hurt the human beings (Bukhari and Muslim)
Those with clean and undefiled fitrah (nature) have no doubt that the smell emanating from the mouth of a smoker is worse and more foul than that from the mouth of one who ate garlic or onion. Thus, a smoker is in between two options, either to harm the praying people and the angels with his foul smell, or miss the prayer in jama'ah.
No one can deny the harm of smoking to the human body. The relative risk for lung cancer is 20X!! Smoking contains poisonous materials that the smoker swallows in small proportions. Their harm accumulates with time to result in a gradual killing of the human organs and tissues.
The hazards of smoking to the health are hard to enumerate. Cancer, tuberculosis, heart attacks, asthma, coughing, premature birth, infertility, infections in the digestive system, high blood pressure, nervousness, mouth and teeth diseases, etc are among the many health hazards that have been strongly linked to smoking. These diseases may not appear all at once, however a smoker is most likely to suffer from some of them, and his suffering increases as he grows older.
This is sufficient to prohibit smoking. Islam prohibits any action that causes harm to oneself or to other people. Allah swt says:
Do not kill yourselves, Allah is indeed merciful to you (An-Nisa : 29)
Do not cast yourselves, with your own hands, into destruction (Al-Baqarah : 195)
The Messenger says:
Whoever consumes poison, killing himself with it, then he will he consuming his poison in the hellfire, and he will abide in it permanently and eternally.(Bukhari and Muslim)
No harm may be inflicted on oneself or others (Recorded by Ahmad and Ibn Maajah from Ibn `Abbaas and `Ubaadah)
*So, after knowing all that, why can't World No Tobacco Day being practised everyday?? kenapa no tobacco day just on 31st may....?
*Tobacco and smoking does not have any benefit. It just bring harm into our life...in dunia and akhirat...isn't it??
*If you know all the facts, scientifically and islamically...why don't you stop smoking? I've seen many doctors who smoked (well, medical students too..actually). They knew about the diseases but smoking is still their hobby!
*World No Tobacco Day 2005 focus on the role of health professionals on tobacco control. They play a prominent role in this issue. UCHG is a non-smoking hospital. However, the policies just apply inside the hospital..once you are outside the building, the policies does not count. Why do i say like that? Well, you can see the patients from the wards going outside just to smoke! (korang pon nampak kann...ke aku jerr)
*Jaga kesihatan, Jaga diri, Jaga hati....
(statistics and facts taken from WHO and Ministry of health, Malaysia)
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